Prague Organ Competition
Soutěž pořádá spolek Život pro varhany. První kolo je organizováno formou zaslání audiovizuální nahrávky, druhé kolo proběhne na varhanách v Rudolfinu.
Presented information are based on the last known competition year and can be outdated!
Please visit official competition websites for up-to-date information.
Please visit official competition websites for up-to-date information.
Municipality | Praha |
Place | Dvořákova síň Rudolfina |
Time period Date | listopad |
Next year | 2025 |
Organs | |
Web links | |
Web links
Usual competition rules
International competition | Ano |
Max age | 34 |
Participation fee |
2,500.00 Kč
(100.00 EUR) |
Viewed: 20×
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