Organ builders

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Highlighted milestones
  • 1620: Baroque period is often called organ golden age. Huge church impact stimulates building of many new churches as well as organs. Organs are built by respected, often multigenerational workshops.
  • 1800: From 19th century gradual decline of organ building begins. It is caused by josephinism (closing of monasteries) and economical problems stemming from Napoleonic Wars. In organ dispositions many more deep registers emerge, which is typical for romantic organ building.
  • 1860: With development of industry large organ companies are established. They produce organs as industry products. Gradually organ builders start to use cone valve windchest (Kegellade) and pneumatical action. Organ dispositions are influenced by Cecilian movement, which prefer organ dispositions with plenty of deep registers.
  • 1945: During the communist period only several organ building companies are active. Organ dispositions are being designed according to organ movement (Orgelbewegung) principles and organ is returning to the Baroque sound ideal. Many universal type organs are built.
  • 1990: After fall of communism many smaller organ building workshops are created. Apart from universal organs there are also built organs distinctive in style. Many valuable historic instruments are being renovated.